Samacheer Kalvi EM 12 Bio - Zoology Unit1 Chapter2 MCQs Mock Test
byJunaid Baig0-
12th Bio - Zoology Mock Test
Chapter 2: Human Reproduction
Choose the correct answer from the multiple choices, then click "Next" to goto next question and click "OK" after seeing the score.
The mature sperms are stored in the __________
Seminiferous tubules
Vas deferens
Seminal vesicle
The male sex hormone testosterone is secreted from __________
Sertoli cells
Leydig cell
Prostate gland
The glandular accessory organ which produces the largest proportion of semen is __________
Seminal vesicle
Bulbourethral gland
Prostate gland
Mucous gland
The male homologue of the female clitoris is __________
The site of embryo implantation is the __________
Peritoneal cavity
Fallopian tube
The foetal membrane that forms the basis of the umbilical cord is __________
Yolk sac
The most important hormone in initiating and maintaining lactation after birth is __________
Mammalian egg is __________
Mesolecithal and non-cleidoic
Microlecithal and non-cleidoic
Alecithal and non-cleidoic
Alecithal and cleidoic
The process which the sperm undergoes before penetrating the ovum is __________
Cortical reaction
The milk secreted by the mammary glands soon after child birth is called __________
Colostrum is rich in __________
Ig E
Ig A
Ig D
Ig M
The Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) is produced by __________
Leydig cells
Sertoli cells
Pituitary gland
Find the wrongly matched pair
Bleeding phase – fall in oestrogen and progesterone
Follicular phase – rise in oestrogen
Luteal phase – rise in FSH level
Ovulatory phase – LH surge
A – In human male, testes are extra abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs. R – Scrotum acts as thermoregulator and keeps temperature lower by 2°C for normal sperm production.
A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A
A is true, R is false
Both A and R are false
Assertion (A) and Reason (R) A – Ovulation is the release of ovum from the Graafian follicle. R – It occurs during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.
A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A
A is true, R is false
Both A and R are false
Assertion (A) and Reason (R) A – Head of the sperm consists of acrosome and mitochondria. R – Acrosome contains spiral rows of mitochondria.
A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A
A and R are true, R is not the correct explanation of A
A is true, R is false
Both A and R are false
Samacheer Kalvi EM 12th Std Bio - Zoology Unit 1 Chapter 2 MCQs Mock Test Instructions
Chapter 2: Human Reproduction
Here you will find 16 MCQs questions and options. Read the questions carefully and select the appropriate answer for the question by selecting/clicking the box before the option. A pop-up box will open by displaying the result of the option selected. The result of each question will be based on percentages. Each question will have 3 chances to select the right option and for every chance, the percentage of scores will be reduced. Likewise, the remaining questions also take place. The overall percentage scored will be displayed at the completion of the mock test.
Note: Every time the page loads, the question and options will be randomized and takes you to the beginning of the particular exercise.
Button Navigations:
The Below Image shows the button navigations.
The Home Button On the Top and Bottom Navigates to the Homepage of the Subject (Example: To Bio - Zoology if the mock test is taken from Bio - Zoology).
The Next Chapter Button on the Top and Bottom Navigates to the Next Chapter (Example: From Chapter 2 to Chapter 3 and so on).
The Prev Chapter Button on the Top and Bottom Navigates to the Prev Chapter (Example: From Chapter 2 to Chapter 1 and so on).
The Next Button next to the question numbers Navigates to the Next Question (Example: From 1 to 2 and so on).
The Show All Questions Button Displays all the questions and options of that exercise on a single page.
The Option Box Icon (Box with Question mark icon), is the box that is to be selected for the correct option. By selecting/clicking the option box, a pop-up box will open by displaying the result of the option selected.
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