Samacheer Kalvi EM 12 Physics Vol2 Unit8 MCQs Mock Test
byJunaid Baig0-
12th Physics - Volume 2 Mock Test
Unit 9: Semiconductor Electronics
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Suppose an alpha particle accelerated by a potential of V volt is allowed to collide with a nucleus whose atomic number is Z, then the distance of closest approach of alpha particle to the nucleus is
`14.4\frac ZV Å`
`14.4\frac VZ Å`
`1.44\frac ZV Å`
`1.44\frac VZ Å`
In a hydrogen atom, the electron revolving in the fourth orbit, has angular momentum equal to
Atomic number of H-like atom with ionization potential 122.4 V for n=1 is
The ratio between the first three orbits of hydrogen atom is
1 : 2 : 3
2 : 4 : 6
1 : 4 : 9
1 : 3 : 5
The charge of cathode rays is
not defined
In J.J. Thomson e/m experiment, a beam of electron is replaced by that of muons (particle with same charge as that of electrons but mass 208 times that of electrons). No deflection condition is achieved only if
B is increased by 208 times
B is decreased by 208 times
B is increased by 14.4 times
B is decreased by 14.4 times
The ratio of the wavelengths for the transition from n=2 to n=1 in Li++, He+ and H is
1 : 2 : 3
1 : 4 : 9
3 : 2 : 1
4 : 9 : 36
The electric potential between a proton and an electron is given by `V=V_0\ln(\frac r{r_0})`, where r0 is a constant. Assume that Bohr atom model is applicable to potential, then variation of radius of `n^{th}` orbit rn with the principal quantum number n is
`r_n\propto n`
`r_n\propto n^2`
If the nuclear radius of 27Al is 3.6 fermi, the approximate unclear radius of 64Cu is
The nucleus is approximately spherical in shape. Then the surface area of nucleus having mass number A varies as
The mass of a `'_3^{7}Li` nucleus is 0.042 u less than the sum of the masses of all its nucleons. The binding energy per nucleon of `'_3^7Li` nucleus is nearly
46 MeV
5.6 MeV
3.9 MeV
23 MeV
Mp denotes the mass of the proton and Mn denotes mass of a neutron. A given nucleus of binding energy B, contains Z protons and N neutrons. The mass M (N, Z) of the nucleus is given by (where c is the speed of light)
M (N, Z)=NMn + ZMp - B`c^2`
M (N, Z)=NMn + ZMp + B`c^2`
M (N, Z)=NMn + ZMp - B / `c^2`
M (N, Z)=NMn + ZMp + B / `c^2`
A radioactive nucleus (initial mass number A and atomic number Z) emits 2α and 2 positrons. The ratio of number of neutrons to that of proton in the final nucleus will be
The half-life period of a radioactive element A is same as the mean life time of another radioactive element B. Initially both have the same number of atoms. Then
A and B have the same decay rate initially
A and B decay at the same rate always
B will decay at faster rate than A
A will decay at faster rate than B.
A system consists of N0 nucleus at t=0. The number of nuclei remaining after half of a half-life (that is, at time `t=\frac12T_{1/2}`)
Samacheer Kalvi EM 12th Std Physics Vol2 Unit8 MCQs Mock Test Instructions
Unit 8: Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Here you will find 15 MCQs questions and options. Read the questions carefully and select the appropriate answer for the question by selecting/clicking the box before the option. A pop-up box will open by displaying the result of the option selected. The result of each question will be based on percentages. Each question will have 3 chances to select the right option and for every chance, the percentage of scores will be reduced. Likewise, the remaining questions also take place. The overall percentage scored will be displayed at the completion of the mock test.
Note: Every time the page loads, the question and options will be randomized and takes you to the beginning of the particular exercise.
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