Samacheer Kalvi EM 7 Term1 History Unit1 Odd One Mock Test

7th Term 1 Social Science - History Mock Test

Unit 1: Sources of Medival India

Find the Odd One: Choose the appropriate answer, then click "OK" after seeing the score and click "Next" to goto next question.



Samacheer Kalvi 7th Std English Medium Term 1 History Unit 1 Find Out The Odd One Mock Test

Samacheer Kalvi EM 7th Std Term 1 History Unit 1 Find Out The Odd One Mock Test Instructions

Unit 1: Sources of Medival India

Here you will find 1 Find Out The Odd One question and options/statements. Read the question carefully and select the appropriate answer for the question by selecting/clicking the box before the option. A pop-up box will open by displaying the result of the option/statement selected. The result of each question will be based on percentages. The question will have 3 chances to select the right option and for every chance, the percentage of scores will be reduced. The overall percentage scored will be displayed at the completion of the mock test.

Note: Every time the page loads, the question and options will be randomized and takes you to the beginning of the particular exercise.

Button Navigations:

The Below Image shows the button navigations.

How to perform frisqoo prepare Samacheer Kalvi EM 7 Term1 History Unit1 Odd One Mock Test

  • The Home Button On the Top and Bottom Navigates to the Homepage of the Subject (Example: To History if the mock test is taken from History).
  • The Next Unit Button on the Top and Bottom Navigates to the Next Exercise (Example: From Find out the odd one to Unit 2 Choose the correct answer and so on).
  • The Prev Button on the Top and Bottom Navigates to the Previous Exercise (Example: From Find out the odd one to Find out the wrong pair and so on). Note: Previous Exercise Button will be displayed from the second exercise of each unit.
  • The Option Box Icon (Box with Question mark icon), is the box that is to be selected for the correct option. By selecting/clicking the option box, a pop-up box will open by displaying the result of the option selected.

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